Pay Per Click Marketing
For Consistent, Measurable Traffic, Nothings As Powerful OR As Targeted As PPC
Pay Per Click Marketing or "PPC" allows business owners to place small advertisements in front of potential prospects at any time of the day and only pay when a prospect clicks on the ad and visits their website.
Today there are many types of pay per click engines to advertise your business in with the biggest being the Google Search Engine.
With an effective and well managed Pay Per Click Advertising Campaign in place your business can see an immediate and dramatic increase in leads and sales. Combined with an effective email and social media marketing campaign, your business can literally see a remarkable turn around in its fortunes in a very short period of time.
On the verge of closing down their business due to lack of business, the guys at A1 Removalists Sydney decided to give us a chance to help turn their business around with a pay per click marketing campaign.
When we were first approached by A1 Removalists back in July 2015 we were hearing things like, "Chris our drivers are complaining that they have no work, and with young families and bills to pay, if we cannot get them work, they will leave and go to other removalist companies. We have been using a guy to run and manage our PPC campaigns but we are not getting enough work to keep our drivers busy. Can you help?"
We took on A1 Removalists as a client and 6 months later our conversations are VERY different... "Chris our drivers are exhausted! They have been working 14hrs a day for 20 days straight and they need a rest. Can you please turn off the ads over Christmas!"
Is that the kind of activity that you would like for your business? Would an increase in traffic change your situation? Give Bondi Web Design a call to discuss your business pay per click marketing needs today.
After 8 years working from a spare bedroom and as a single mother with 2 young children starting primary school, Bianca Kristallis from Pamper Hamper Gifts was contemplating packing it all in and going back to a full time job.
Bianca has an incredible product and was paying good money to Melbourne IT to manage her pay per click marketing & search engine optimisation but she was not getting the results she deserved.
Then in June 2013 Bondi Web Design took over the pay per click marketing and the search engine optimisation of her website and her business quickly grew to where she recently acquired a double story warehouse in Alexandria and now employs 15 casual staff.
The 300% increase in business that Bianca has enjoyed in such a short period of time is a direct result of the marketing techniques and strategies that Bondi Web Design have applied to her business.
Pamper Hamper Gifts have an incredible product, but without people knowing about it, without being right in front of peoples faces when they are searching for a gift hamper, the fact is that Bianca would still be working from her spare bedroom and not have the thriving, cashflow rich business that she now enjoys.

Today there are many types of pay per click engines to advertise your business in with the biggest being the Google Search Engine.
With an effective and well managed Pay Per Click Advertising Campaign in place your business can see an immediate and dramatic increase in leads and sales. Combined with an effective email and social media marketing campaign, your business can literally see a remarkable turn around in its fortunes in a very short period of time.
Our Clients Results Speak For Themsleves
A1 Removalists Sydney

When we were first approached by A1 Removalists back in July 2015 we were hearing things like, "Chris our drivers are complaining that they have no work, and with young families and bills to pay, if we cannot get them work, they will leave and go to other removalist companies. We have been using a guy to run and manage our PPC campaigns but we are not getting enough work to keep our drivers busy. Can you help?"
We took on A1 Removalists as a client and 6 months later our conversations are VERY different... "Chris our drivers are exhausted! They have been working 14hrs a day for 20 days straight and they need a rest. Can you please turn off the ads over Christmas!"
Is that the kind of activity that you would like for your business? Would an increase in traffic change your situation? Give Bondi Web Design a call to discuss your business pay per click marketing needs today.
Pamper Hamper Gifts

Bianca has an incredible product and was paying good money to Melbourne IT to manage her pay per click marketing & search engine optimisation but she was not getting the results she deserved.
Then in June 2013 Bondi Web Design took over the pay per click marketing and the search engine optimisation of her website and her business quickly grew to where she recently acquired a double story warehouse in Alexandria and now employs 15 casual staff.
The 300% increase in business that Bianca has enjoyed in such a short period of time is a direct result of the marketing techniques and strategies that Bondi Web Design have applied to her business.
Pamper Hamper Gifts have an incredible product, but without people knowing about it, without being right in front of peoples faces when they are searching for a gift hamper, the fact is that Bianca would still be working from her spare bedroom and not have the thriving, cashflow rich business that she now enjoys.
Could your business use results like these?
If you would like similar results for your business, give us a call on 0402 523 688 to discuss how a professional Bondi Web Design Pay Per Click Marketing campaign can help improve your business starting TODAY.

Some of the most effective PPC Programs to advertise your business.

You can pay to have your website appear in the paid listings column on Google for particular search terms through a product called Google AdWords. By utilising Google AdWords we can ensure your website comes up on the first page of a Google search every time.
Google AdWords is not only the most effective way of advertising your website online, but also one of the most cost-effective uses of your advertising budget.
Bidding System
As Google AdWords is a pay-per-click service, the price of clicks is determined by bidding on specific keywords. Certain keywords are capable of driving more traffic to your website at a lower cost to you than other keywords. There are also a range of other factors that need to be monitored on a regular basis to ensure your AdWords campaign will be as successful as possible within your advertising budget.

Another great way to get lots of targeted traffic is to advertise on OTHER BUSINESSES websites. You can do this very effectively with banner advertisements. On many occasions you may be the only bidder advertising on that website and your banner ad may only cost you several cents per click.
Facebook Ads:
With over 1 Billion users the Facebook advertising program allows you to target prospects using a range of demographic qualifiers including age, location and interests. With the right strategy in place you could generate leads and sales with almost no competition.
Get Measurable Returns With Pay-Per-Click Marketing

The key to seeing fast results when advertising using any of the PPC Programs mentioned above is to reduce the cost per click and increase the click through rate of the ads.
Having a PPC Agency who are experts at implementing and maintaining effective pay per click marketing campaigns can literally save your business thousands of dollars and generate more leads than any other marketing method you are currently using.
Bondi Web Design can introduce you to advanced PPC strategies and niche marketing secrets that will have you seeing immediate results in your business.
Our Pay Per Click Specialists will setup your campaign, expertly choose the right keywords and settings unique to your business, monitor the results and optimise where necessary, and at the end of the month, send you a detailed monthly report.
With no contract length, why not let Bondi Web Design prove that Pay Per Click Marketing really is the best method in driving traffic to your website?
What’s The Total Cost?
The first part is a setup fee and monthly account fee paid to Bondi Web Design to setup and manage your campaign. You can compare our 3 different plans and pricing here.
The second part of the cost structure is paid directly to the Platform each time your ad is clicked on in their network.
To ensure spending does not exceed your budget for the campaign, you can set a daily limit. Once the limit is reached your ad will be taken down automatically until the next day. Your daily budget can start from as little as $5 per day.

To get started call us today on 0402 523 688 or Contact Us for a free Pay Per Click Consultation and quote.